Cyber Security

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Shielding Your Assets with Advanced Cyber Security

In an evolving digital landscape, Citadel Logic is your unwavering ally, offering state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions. We ensure that your critical data and systems are safeguarded, meeting and exceeding the stringent requirements and expectations of the U.S. government.

Our proficiency in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework ensures a systematic and strategic approach to managing cybersecurity risks. We adhere to its five core functions—Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover—to bolster the resilience and security of your cyber ecosystem.

Our Services Include

Vulnerability Assessments

Identifying and analyzing security vulnerabilities to fortify your defenses.

Active Defense Strategies

Implementing proactive measures to detect, mitigate, and respond to threats.

Security Training

Enhancing the skills and awareness of your team to guard against cyber-attacks.

Vulnerability Assessments


Holistic Analysis

Beyond just software vulnerabilities, we evaluate the entire digital ecosystem – from network configurations to user practices, ensuring no stone is left unturned.


State-of-the-Art Tools

We deploy cutting-edge software and technologies to scan, detect, and categorize vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and exploitability.


Risk Prioritization

Not all vulnerabilities are created equal. We help organizations prioritize risks, focusing on the most critical threats to ensure efficient resource allocation.


Tailored Solutions

After identifying vulnerabilities, we provide tailored mitigation strategies. This ensures that defenses are not just strong but optimized for your specific digital environment.


Continuous Monitoring

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so are its threats. Our vulnerability assessments are not a one-time activity. We offer continuous monitoring to ensure up-to-date defense.

Active Defense Strategies


Threat Intelligence

We stay ahead of cyber adversaries by constantly gathering and analyzing threat intelligence, ensuring that our defense strategies evolve with the threat landscape.


Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

Our advanced IDS solutions continuously monitor network traffic, detecting and alerting on suspicious activities in real-time.


Incident Response Protocols

In the unfortunate event of a breach, our well-defined incident response protocols ensure swift containment, mitigation, and recovery, minimizing potential damages.


Proactive Threat Hunting

Instead of waiting for threats to manifest, our teams actively hunt for signs of adversary activities, often identifying and countering threats before they materialize.


Layered Defense

Recognizing that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, we implement layered defense mechanisms, ensuring multiple barriers that an adversary must bypass, significantly enhancing security.

Security Training


Customized Training Modules

We understand that every organization is unique. Our training modules are tailored to fit the specific needs, challenges, and risks of your organization.


Real-world Scenarios

We simulate real-world cyber-attack scenarios, ensuring that your team is prepared for the most sophisticated and recent threats.


Continuous Learning

Cyber threats evolve, and so should our defenses. Our training isn’t a one-time affair. We offer continuous learning opportunities, ensuring that your team stays updated with the latest in cyber security.


Awareness Campaigns

Sometimes, the best defense is awareness. We run campaigns highlighting the importance of security, safe practices, and the latest threats, ensuring a vigilant organizational culture.


Hands-on Workshops

Beyond theoretical knowledge, we offer hands-on workshops, ensuring that your team not only knows what to do but can effectively do it when the time comes.

Extended Cybersecurity Services

Cyber Security Consulting
  • Strategic advice and tailored solutions to bolster your cybersecurity defenses.
  • Risk assessments and actionable insights for enhanced security.
Incident Response
  • Rapid and coordinated response to mitigate and analyze cybersecurity incidents.
  • Forensic analysis and strategic measures to prevent recurrence.
Contingency and Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Comprehensive strategies to ensure operational continuity and data recovery.
  • Periodic testing and enhancement of recovery protocols.
Cyber Awareness Training
  • Customized training modules to enhance staff’s cyber awareness and defensive capabilities.
  • Interactive and scenario-based learning experiences
Cyber Supply Chain Security
  • Mitigating risks and vulnerabilities within the supply chain through stringent security protocols.
  • Comprehensive assessments and continuous monitoring to ensure the integrity and security of the supply chain.

Most Desired Cyber Capabilities that We Provide

Advanced Threat Intelligence
  • Providing real-time and predictive insights on emerging cyber threats.
  • Tailored intelligence solutions to anticipate and mitigate targeted cyber-attacks.
Zero Trust Architecture
  • Implementing a zero-trust model ensuring strict verification and limited access privileges.
  • Enhancing security protocols to validate and authenticate user and device access.
Cloud Security
  • Strengthening the security of cloud platforms through advanced encryption and access controls.
  • Continuous monitoring and automated responses to potential threats.
Automated Security Solutions
  • Integrating AI and machine learning to automate threat detection and response.
  • Enhancing speed and accuracy in identifying and mitigating cyber threats.

Why Choose Us

Adaptive Solutions

Offering dynamic and flexible cybersecurity solutions evolving with the threat landscape.


A team of seasoned professionals committed to excellence and innovation.


Collaborating closely with you to tailor solutions to your unique operational needs and challenges.

Secure Your Assets with Citadel Logic

Join forces with Citadel Logic, where cutting-edge technology meets strategic insight, ensuring your cybersecurity is not just a line of defense but a fortified stronghold against cyber threats.